About us

The Company has a skilled leadership team with considerable experience in developing resource projects, and substantial experience in Ethiopia and throughout Africa.

We have compiled a detailed work plan for the development of a large mining operation at the Kenticha Project, a tantalum mine and lithium deposit situated in the Oromia Region in southern Ethiopia.

This includes in-country beneficiation as far along the beneficiation path as is technically and economically feasible.

Ethiopia is a highly prospective geological region, containing a world-class greenstone geological terrain. In comparison to other geological regions, Ethiopia is significantly under-explored, with minimal modern and systematic exploration applied historically.

We have assembled skilled leadership and technical teams with considerable experience in developing early-stage resource projects in Africa.

Our team has been working in Ethiopia since 2011 and have developed significant relationships within Ethiopia’s mining sector, with government officials and local stakeholders and the broader communities where we operate.

World Class African Project Experience

Abyssinian leadership team has a proven track record of developing and financing world-class African mining projects

1. East Africa Gold, Tanzania

Acquired and arranged funding for a large gold exploration portfolio in north-western Tanzania
Development within the Lake Victoria goldfields of the Mwanza region
Project positioned along the same strike as the Geita Gold Mine operated by AngloGold Ashanti

2. Tasiast Gold Mine, Mauritania

Project identified, acquired, explored and developed
Team members on hand when entered maiden production
Today is a fully operational world-class gold project owned and operated by Kinross Gold, with a gold inventory of c.25Moz


3. Boikarabelo Coal Mine, South Africa

Acquired and developed an export coal and power platform in South Africa

4. Mbalam‐Nabeba Iron Ore Project, Cameroon

Abyssinian team members were responsible for the identification, acquisition and funding of the now world class iron or project
Now positioned to be developed given recent improvement in economics due to iron ore price

Operational Partners




Resource estimation & modelling

Drilling contractor

Advisors & Consultants

Lead manager and financial advisor



Investigating accountant
