Environmental and Social Sustainability
Community focused ESG Policy in place
Project development will be undertaken in joint venture with the State of Oromia with Kenticha representing the single largest strategic economic asset in Ethiopia.
Abyssinian has developed a significant ESG policy and is committed to building a lasting positive legacy is the local community through:
- working diligently to minimise the environmental impact and carbon footprint;
- creating large-scale employment opportunities and training and education for local community;
- encouraging the local community and local business to services to the mining operation; and
- working to encourage the placement of professional geologists, mining and process engineering staff from the region alongside expatriate professionals to affect skills transfer.
The establishment of a large-scale mining operation at the Kenticha Project will not only generate local, state and federal revenues, but also create a battery metals industry in the new green era.
Significant work on the tailings dam was completed during 2017 and is now being followed up with independent experts on the ground in Ethiopia.
Abyssinian is committed to developing an efficient tailings dam solutions which is safe, compliant and reduces environmental risk.
The Kenticha Project is connected to the grid which is powered the biggest hydro power scheme in Africa.

Community engagement at Kenticha site January 2021. This ceremony was led by Prince Abibiya-Abajobir. Prince Abibiya-Abajobir is a native of the Oromia region which hosts the Kenticha project and he is chairman of the elders council of Ethiopia.

From L-R Mr Bruce Tinney (Executive Director), Mr Ali Hussein (stakeholder in the company), Dr Mukta Kedir (Ethiopian Ambassador to Australia), Mr Sammy Million (Stakeholder Relations Manager).

Mr Bruce Tinney (Executive Director) meeting with the Ethiopian Minister of Mines and Petroleum his excellency Takele Uma.

From L-R Mr Bruce Tinney (Executive Director), Prince Abibiya-Abajobir and the Stakeholders Relation Manager Mr Sammy Million.